Day 147 : Who Am I?

I was once a girl who used to write because of -
dreams long- yearned for but have not yet come to pass,
unwritten songs and left over poetry,
how the world is treating her and how she thinks of the world,
bewildering images of her fears, worries and doubts,
scattered thoughts and a flight of emotions,
so many questions, and unanswered prayers,
how circumstances are at the moment,
what she sees lacking, what she thinks should be,
scars and fragments of a painful past

Through God's grace, I am learning, I am growing, to be
more of the woman I am writing about -

who will finish victoriously despite how her story began,
who is bold and brave to be still herself in this harsh world,
who looks for a ray of light in unfavorable circumstances,
who still nurtures the little girl inside her heart that appreciates the simple things in life,
who constantly strives to be the woman God has intended her to be,
who is vulnerable enough to let love in and strong enough to let love go when it walks out,
who is confident with her God-given abilities because it will help her fulfill His purpose,
who laughs without fear of the future because she trusts the One who holds it,
who is beautiful not for how the world sees her, but for how she sees herself in Christ,
who knows that she is precious and worthy in God's sight,
who knows she is worth being pursued and loved relentlessly like how Christ loves His Church,
who uses her heart to connect with the right people because this is where she is most true,
who believes that her heart is so deeply lost in Christ that 'he' must seek Him to find it,
whose dreams are full of life and passion, that in His appointed time, will come true
whose faith can move mountains, and is the evidence of things not seen
whose hope is in the Lord, for He has her best interests at heart
whose love is most genuine and pure, because she loves God first and loves God most

Hello, beautiful friend, and stranger :) I pray you'd somehow see yourself the same way too, because in this blog - a post or two - perhaps I am also writing about YOU.

* To my sister, and cousins. . . I pray God would lead me to be a good example to you even if I am still a work in progress;

* To my precious, future daughter/s. . . 
By the time you are able to read this, you will have started to know God and experience His love, through me and your father. And you will be women after God's own heart, and at an early age, begin your journey in pursuing an intimate relationship with the Lord; and I just believe, and know, that you will definitely be better than me, in all aspects. 

Oh and you might even discover more, my love :) 

Love, Mama when she was 22 years old, 
single and waiting on the Lord, 
for His perfect time to answer your father's prayer