Day 22 : Homesick, Really Sick

It's been more than two months since I've been going to work on a mid-shift. Honestly, it's very exhausting and emotionally challenging. I know it's a comfortable shift for those who sleep late and would want to wake up without the pressure of the alarm clock, but the travel time to and from Technohub drains my energy. Imagine the streak of the 1-2 pm sun! Yes, I don't commute but I would like to save money on gas somehow! Oh and going home, is also a dangerous ride because of speedy trucks and who-knows-what-else. The greater concern is family time, being squeezed in too tight for a couple of hours before I leave, and a few minutes before we sleep.

The same issues always come up and it never gets old. My emotional crack is when I feel that I am too powerless because of my shift. I did not want to end up like this, or be assigned to a shift like this. But then again, it will only be an endless debate inside my head on why I accepted this job in the first place!

Since Monday, the 'sick-feeling' started and has dragged its way on to Thursday, today. I hate having colds because it makes me feel too uncomfortable sniffing and having the feverish mood. I feel too lazy to continue tasks I've started, I'm sleepy, I'm dizzy, I'm homesick, I'm sick.

Heal me Lord. I guess I am just really emotionally sick, that's why it starts to affect me physically. *Sigh.