This year's a complete turn around, hence I begin my countdown again in glorious surrender!
Lazy Sundays for the past few weeks grew countless, that the most vivid memory of a lovely "Sunday" I had was months ago... when everyone woke up well rested from Saturday's family night (dinner, ktv-snack&drinks, and a movie to wrap up the night); and while my parents were snuggling with cobee included, my sister and I prepared a wonderful breakfast treat. More of that in a different post perhaps, but today is just my day! One I've got to love. . .
I woke up unusually early (6am). Couldn't wait for everyone else so I decided to go ahead, and make myself breakfast! Hair all tied up, the kitchen all to myself, the morning sun, and my Hillsong playlist on. Danced my way in between, and it feels nice. . . I like it. I like it very much.
What's on the cover?
Dried salted fish (a.k.a 'tuyo') - scaled, spiced and fried til crispy, fried rice, perfectly poached egg with garlic roasted edges, a small shot glass for vinegar & herbs to pour over. A cup of coffee would be a perfect complement but only if it's freshly brewed (instant coffee tastes like dirt, I swear!) so I cooked up dark chocolate instead. Yes, without milk and sugar, and it's so oh-good.
I can't remember the last time I had tuyo, and since I've eliminated rice completely from my diet, my breakfast today was surely a treat, and surprisingly made tastier and more appetizing by yours truly. He He He. Thanks, I'm awesome like that. Feels like the first time all over again! I like it. I like it very much.
Ah, my morning won't be complete without this set : coffee or tea, a book, my planner, and jotter notebooks replacing my overused journal for the mean time until I get my Alunsina Journal. But then again, today's somewhat special so I made a layered feast of black coffee, dark chocolate, ice, and a scoop of salted caramel ice cream. Everything summed up in a photo. && I like it. I like it very much.
PS : I just had to include pretty flowers I took from my mom's vase (hahaha) to make things more special. After all, it's kind of my day and I'm feeling a-w-e-s-o-m-e and pretty though fluffed up for the past few days. Sure fluffy days will pass, like it always does, but hey it's not everyday that I'm extreme. . . . and by extreme, I mean. . . .
Thank you for lovely sunday mornings like this, Lord. It's been a while. I like it. I like it very much. :')