I love the rain because of the beautiful things that can be done while it is raining. Things like having Hot Caramel Macchiato while reading a book and seeing how the windows are embellished with raindrops; cuddling with a loved one on a couch, having cookies and hot chocolate; dancing and feeling the rain sink into my skin; having seemingly endless conversations while waiting for the rain to stop before heading home.
But now all the rain brings is gloom. Scenes come flashing in my head with background songs like "Ev'ry time we say goodbye" (The Parent Trap OST) playing. It's not a gloom that "haunts", it's more of a gloom in "wishing". Well, before I could delve deeper into my stream of thoughts that could affect how I feel, our driver came to the rescue. Oh and, I am thankful for having a car and driver that will take me home on a rainy day. I just can't make myself commute this week. It's too dragging, it's too risky for me. Maybe next week, I'd be ready. . . or the next.
In that moment of solitude, I came to observe how we sometimes don't seem to see the rain unless we feel it, or see the ripples in creates on the floor, or see the studded mask it gives to vehicles passing by, or hear the collective sound it makes once it hits everything around you. On a similar note, there are times we don't think God is near unless we feel Him in circumstances of joy, or see tangible things we can call blessings, or see miracles in front of our eyes, or hear a testimony about His greatness. Truth be told, He is closer than our very breath. Even in the worst circumstances, when tears are the only prayers we have, when everything seems to be falling apart - it is when we experience Him the most. Sheesh, for the past days I could think of nothing but the parallelism of certain events or emotions to something.
Moving on, today's topic was very timely. Day 28 : It Takes Time. I was reminded of many things...
- a mantra that has been my source of strength in facing trials for the past years - "God's Delays are Never Denials".
- I am a work in progress. God is using my pain and struggles to shape my character.
- remember how far you've come, not how far you have to go.
- God is not after how fast I grow, but how strong I grow.
- The greatest things, take time. In the end, it will all be worth it.
On the contrary, time flies! As I write this, I am saying hello to Thursday, a new and better day. Twelve days more to reach the 40th day, it's the 5th day of my countdown before my birthday, and 3 days away from September, a new and better month, -BER months, Christmas season!
To sum up my day, it's all meetings-food-laughs-food-work-"one more chance" on replay because of Mel's post-work-this. I am blessed! :)